All are welcome
We try to make the festival as open and welcoming to everyone. While they are open (on Friday & Saturday), the museum is accessible and there is an accessible toilet located to the east side of the cottages. The whole site is on a slope but can be accessed without steps.
To help disabled drivers with a blue-badge we reserve spaces as close to the centre of the site as possible. We cannot predict numbers; all car parking spaces are first-come-first-serve, and even the blue badge spaces can fill up if enough people show up who need them. We advise you to come early to ensure a space. All car parking is step-free. Charges still apply.
We reserve space for campers with disabilities so they are closer to the centre of the site and the accessible shower and toilet facilities.
CPAP/electric Wheelchair users
We can only provide access to electricity if booked in advance. Please place details on your tent/campervan booking under notes. However if you have forgotten to inform us while booking, then please email [email protected] to book as soon as possible.
Personal carers and assistants
If you cannot attend the festival without the support of a personal assistant we will provide an additional entry pass at no extra cost. To apply for a personal assistance pass you will need to provide evidence to [email protected] of one of the following:
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
- DLA – care and/or mobility
- Deaf or blind registration
Any submitted documentation shall be securely held and subequently destroyed once we have issued the pass.
Temporary impairments
These policies do not apply to people with temporary impairments such as broken bones and pregnancy. If there are ways you think we can assist please contact us on [email protected]
Viewing stages
The loose seating in all the marquees is moved around to suit the different events and activities. Volunteer stewards will do all they can to keep spaces available for wheelchair users. If the area in front of the main stage on the Sunday becomes crowded, space will be made available to the west-side of the stage for disabled visitors. Please ask any steward for assistance if required.
A speaker interpreting service will be provided by fully qualified interpreters during the speeches on Sunday.
Safe and secure
We take your safety very seriously. We have a great team of volunteer stewards who are briefed to treat your safety as their top priority. The festival security team will be clearly visible and are on hand to keep us all safe and sound. Please cooperate with these teams.
First Aid
There is a first aid point near the main Information Marquee.
Lost and found children
The festival site is a safe one for children and the Kids’ Area offers great entertainment. But like all events, children can wander off, and we know how stressful that can be for parents and guardians. We have a robust system in place to safeguard lost and found children, and most lost children are found within minutes. We recognise that the welfare of the child/young person is paramount.
Never worry too much about a found child…they are safe with us. Report a lost or found child to any steward or information point. They will have been briefed on our safeguarding procedure.
Fire and other hazards
We take the risk of fire very seriously. Extinguishers are located at clearly marked Fire Points throughout the festival site. In dry weather grass can become a fire risk. Open fires are not permitted and it may become necessary to ban all barbeques if these pose a significant fire risk. We will do all we can to communicate with campers in advance of the festival. Flares are banned.
Kites are banned as the site is crossed by power cables.
Please take care of personal valuables that you need to bring with you and don’t leave them in your tent. The Festival will not take responsibility for items lost or stolen during the event.
Lost property
If you lose anything – or find anything – of value please report it to one of the Information Points. At the end of the Festival, any lost property will be held in the Museum Shop (01305 848237 – open Tuesday-Sunday) for collection.
In the unlikely event that the site needs to be evacuated – for any reason – we will follow this protocol: Emergency evacution procedure
Drone & Model Aircrafts
As drones have become increasingly popular, the UK Civil Aviation Authority have determined rules on how individuals must safely operate these machines. It is against the law to fly a drone or model aircraft without having the required IDs. You can also be fined for breaking the law when flying. In the most serious cases, you could be sent to prison.
Given the busy nature of the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival where thousands of guests including young children attend and congregate across the weekend, including and especially during the Sunday procession and rally, drones of any size, are prohibited from use. This applies regardless of the operator and insurances.
The UK CAA Code specifically states that no drone is allowed to be flown at any height over a crowd of people.
Please therefore do not bring a drone with you to the festival. If a drone is used during the Festival, organisers, our security team, or where necessary, the police will request you safely land the drone away from the site.
Any fines, injunctions, or damage you may incur will not be the responsibility of the Festival.
Respect – code of conduct
The Festival is known for its friendly atmosphere and spirit of solidarity. The TUC is determined to maintain the reputation of the Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival as an event marked by respect and toleration. Lively debate is a central part of the Festival but aggressive, offensive, intimidatory or disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. The Festival stands in opposition to any form of racism, anti-semitism, sexual abuse and hatred against transgender people. This supports the commitment set out in the TUC’s rules to promote equality for all and to eliminate all forms of harassment, prejudice and unfair discrimination. If you see or experience anyone undermining this please report it immediately to a steward or to one of the Information Points.
Right of entry
The Festival welcomes everyone who respects the value and purpose of celebrating trade union solidarity. The organisers have the right to restrict entry to anyone and bar individuals. If a participant engages in harassing behaviour, the Festival organisers may take action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or removing them from the Festival with no refund. If you are removed from the Festival you can not enter again and may be banned from future Festivals.
Campaign groups
We welcome stalls from a wide variety of campaign groups. The diversity of stalls adds to the enjoyment of the event and helps promote progressive causes, especially those with links to the trade union movement. The Festival has limited space and whilst all applications received by the deadline will be considered, we are unable to guarantee a stall. Priority is given to campaigns that are trade union backed and fall within the TUC’s campaigning objectives.
If you have concerns about inappropriate conduct at the Festival please report them to a steward or one of the Information Stalls. Stewards will seek to resolve the matter if it is safe to do so. If anyone causing offense is clearly identified as being part of a union or campaign group contingent we will report this matter to the organiser in the hope that they can help resolve any problems. Any concerns over safety will be referred to the Festival security team and/or the police.
If it is a fairly minor matter, then we will try and resolve quickly. When a complaint is more substantial, it is advisable to have another colleague present, who can act as a witness. This is particularly important if the complaint may lead to a more in-depth investigation after the Festival. If the complaint is serious, and non-urgent, then attendees will be asked to provide their contact details and this will be given to the appropriate member of the Festival team or South West TUC staff to follow up after the event.
Data, photos and filming
We handle any data we hold very carefully and do not share it with anyone else. Please note our privacy policy
Photographers/videographers may be taking pictures of the speakers, performers, panel debates, fringe meetings and other public areas of the festival.
Be aware that these images may be used in TUC or union publications, or on our website or open social media such as in tweets. Photographers may put them in their own libraries for others to rent.
If you are not happy to be filmed or photographed as an individual you can request that your photograph is not taken or used.
If you are planning to take photos on behalf of your union or for personal use always ask individuals their consent and explain the use of the picture. Clearly you cannot seek individual permissions for large group images, such as images of the procession or crowd.